Sunday, November 22, 2009

Do girls like the gel on hair of boy?

smart or ugly?

Do girls like the gel on hair of boy?

it depends on how much gel does he has on his hair. i personally prefer boys who look natural and doesn't spend too much time making their hair look good.

Do girls like the gel on hair of boy?

yea,i guess. some. some look weird with it. haha:]

Do girls like the gel on hair of boy?

I don't, it looks greasy %26amp; they look like a bit of a try hard. Styled hair on a boy is ok but not too much, not too obvious. Gel, I dont think so!

Do girls like the gel on hair of boy?

At least, being a girl, i dont like it! its sticky!

Do girls like the gel on hair of boy?

Smart if used in moderation! Too much is nasty.

Do girls like the gel on hair of boy?

naaaaaaa...... NOT AT ALL. for me, its like kissing on a dog's back!!!......

Do girls like the gel on hair of boy?

hiiiiii ..safeen q.. before answering u i wud like to ask u dat wat is d logic behind ur name ... plzz do tell... i liked it....

ok lets come 2 d point....

look generally it depends on hw much a girl is modern...

normally girls wid modern thinking or tomboyish nature feel it a smart nd trendy look bt dat is obvious ki extra -gel nobody likes ... if u live btween girls wid old fashioned customs , den i wud advise u not to use gel to impress dem becoz my personal experience says dat nobody wud get impressed.....

other dan dis , i wud se dat exceptions r everywhere.....

nd if v talk on d basis of season den i feel dat gel looks smart during winter nd moderate season......

also, it wud look good on u only if it suits u... fashion does not mean dat we shud take over nything dat is trendy widout caring abt our looks......................................

nd plzz tell me ur name's meaning..................

Do girls like the gel on hair of boy?

yeah i do.......if they do the right amount of gel boys look smart ^__^

Do girls like the gel on hair of boy?

yes sure no matter how its the best on boys

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