Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why does my hair look and behave like I put hairspray or gel in it - even right after I shower?

Ok, I already posted a similar question, but either I wasn't clear about what I was asking, or the people who responded just aren't paying attention.

The top center section of my hair, right next to my scalp, suddenly looks greasy, as if I hadn't washed my hair for days. It doesn't FEEL greasy though -- it feels sticky, as if I had put a lot of hairspray in it. The hair in that section also behaves as if I had put hairspray or gel in it -- it separates into sections and gets that sort of crunchy texture, if you know what I mean.

*I am not doing anything differently in my daily routine.*

-I am using the same shampoo I've used for the past year.

-I am using just as much of it as I always have.

-I made sure that I rinsed it all out.

-I am not using any different products or styling it differently.

-The sticky feeling is only in one isolated spot at the top center of my head.

-The stickiness is there even right after I get out of the shower when my hair is still wet.

What's going on?

Why does my hair look and behave like I put hairspray or gel in it - even right after I shower?

it might be buildup from silcones like dimethicone in your shampoo or conditioner.

if you changed your shampoo for a few days, or got some clarifying shampoo from tresemme, that would probably fix it.

Why does my hair look and behave like I put hairspray or gel in it - even right after I shower?

That used to happen to me so this is what I did:

1. I changed my shampoo to Herbal Esenses Body Envy and Drama Clean

2. Mix both together

3. put in your hair

4. Use Body Envy Conditoner (leave in for 2mins-5 mins)

5. rinse out with cold water for 30sec-2mins (makes your hair shiny)

Why does my hair look and behave like I put hairspray or gel in it - even right after I shower?

Do you use conditioner? If so try putting it only on your ends (ponytail area) If not try switching shampoo,like a clarifying type of shampoo. When blow drying,turn your head upside down and try a cool setting. Hope this helps.

Why does my hair look and behave like I put hairspray or gel in it - even right after I shower?

Sounds like product build-up. This can come from shampoo too (for instance, Pantene has petrolatum in it which is sold under the brand name "Vaselene"). change what you are using: first clarify, then don't go back to the stuff you were using before. Professional brands are best because they don't have as much junk in them and they are more concentrated so you use less.

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